Monday, February 16, 2009


1. I asked Carter; are you sick? I am not sick, I am cranky; he answered.

2. Having dinner at a restaurant, a senior couple that was passing by didn't hear Carter when he said hi to them. They didn’t answered, they can’t hear me, said Carter. He tried again with the next person passing by. This time he got lucky, the man answered back saying hello. He can hear me, that man can hear me mom, said Carter; so out loud that everyone turned around.

2. NO! I’m going home with my mom in my car: answered Carter, when in the mall a lady offered him to take him home with her.

3. Everytime we go shopping, Carter wants to get a toy. Well, I told him that first he had to ask Santa. While shopping for presents, I picked out a kitchen decoration which I put back right away. Carter asked: Do you have to ask Santa, too?

4. I am good boy; said Carter. Why are you good boy? I asked. Because I share, he replied.

5. Mom; my daddy and I are going to Africa. You stay here to cook and clean.

6. Carter tried to help his sick daddy. He gave Frank a kiss and asked him; are you feeling better now?

7. Carter noticed something was wrong with me and suddenly hugged me saying: please don’t be sad, it’s OK.

8. I am a dinosaur and you are a horse daddy; said Carter. And, what kind of animal is your mom? She is a pig.

9. I like to go to Grandpa’s house. Why is that? He has Popsicles.

10. I told Carter he forgot to take me with him to see Grandpa and Grammy J. I’ll take you next weekend; he answered.

11. We have a small garage for a SUV and a truck. At the begining I had a hard time driving out the garage. One time Carter said: Please be careful, don’t scratch my daddy’s truck.

12. I told Carter that it is important to brush his teeth every day. To brush the cookie out? He asked. Yes, to brush the cookie out, I responded. But I hadn’t eaten any cookie today, he commented.

13. Mom; I don’t like girls. They are ehuuu.